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This application is for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (Traditional & Accelerated). Please review specific program admission requirements to ensure that you are eligible for admission:
Please read the following requirements and considerations for program admission:
Traditional BSN
Accelerated BSN (must have a Bachelor's degree to apply)
Application Requirements
To complete this application, you will need the following information:
*Please note: If you are a current NKU nursing student (enrolled in classes beginning with "NRS"), who needs to reapply to the program, contact your academic advisor for next steps.
Transfers from another nursing program must also submit:
These items may be sent via email to the BSN Admission, Progression, and Graduation Committee at They may also be hand delivered or mailed to:
Northern Kentucky University School of Nursing BSN Admission, Progression, and Graduation Committee 1 Nunn Drive, Founders Hall 455 Highland Heights, KY 41099
Please note, if you had one failure in your previous nursing program, that failure will constitute one failure in our program. If you have a subsequent failure in our program, that will constitute your second failure and you will be dismissed from the NKU Nursing Program.